Coriander Seeds

Coriander (Scientifically known as Coriandrum sativum) is an indespensible spice in Indian and other Cuisines. It is believed to be a native of southern Europe . Although it is now widely cultivated all over the world for its green leaves, seed production is largely concentrated in India. Coriander is commonly known as “Dhaniya” in India. In India Rajasthan is major producer of coriander.

Coriander seeds like cumin are used as a whole spice and in a powdered form. In a powder form it is an indispensable spice in the spice box of Indians. The aromatic fragrance of the roasted coriander powder enhances the taste of any dish.

All the parts of the coriander plants are edible, however the fruits, which are called the seeds, the seeds, have lemony citrus flavor when they are crushed. It is marked for its warm, nutty and spicy flavor and the saffron color that enhances the look of the dish. The commonest use of coriander seed is in curry powders, where it is the bulkiest constituent. They can be likewise used in stews and soups. They blend well. Coriander is an ingredient of Indian garam masala, pickling spices and pudding spices and is used in cakes, breads and other baked foods.

We pack the coriander seeds in air tight containers so that they do not lose the aroma as well as the natural taste. Our specially cultivated coriander seeds are fresh and have a remarkable citrus like taste.

Grades Available Kinds of Whole or Splits
Whole, Split, Eagle, Badami, 100 % Split,
Average with 30-40% split, Medium green & Green
Washed & Unwashed of Indori, Kanpuri, Badami
Selection and storage

Coriander seeds as well as its oil can be readily available in the markets year around. The seeds used as a spice. Good-quality coriander seeds should release pleasant, slightly peppery flavor when squeezed between index and thumb fingers. In the store, buy whole seeds instead of coriander powder since oftentimes it may contain an adulterated spicy mix.

At home, store seeds in cool, dry, dark place, in airtight containers. This way, they keep well for many months and can be milled using a hand mill whenever required. Ground or powdered coriander should be stored in airtight containers and placed in the refrigerator. Use this spice powder as early as possible since it loses its flavor rather quickly due to evaporation of essential oils.

Common Packing For Container Shipment

Products Type of Bags Quantity Container
Coriander Seeds
-Badami (Washed/Unwashed)
New Multi wall paper bag 50 lb / 22.68 Kg 9-10MT in 20’FCL
18-20MT in 40’FCL
P.P. Bags 55.12 Lb / 25 kg or 110.23 lb / 50 kg
Jute Bags 110.23 lb / 50 kg

Origin of Coriander Seeds with production

India is the largest producer of coriander with a production share of more than 70% of the total world output. Other major producers are Bulgaria, Romania, Russia, Iran, Morocco, Canada and Australia.

India is the largest producer and consumer of coriander seed. Coriander production has increased significantly in the past decade and currently hovering around 5 lakh tonnes. The rise in output was primarily on account of rise in yields.

Different Uses

Mustard is the most popular spices for curing many cuisines and diseases. Some of the major uses of Mustard are:

  • Used in various cuisines: Coriander is used in various cuisines. It is used in pickling and in making sausages.
  • Other Health benefits:
    • Use of coriander helps in reducing skin Inflammation.
    • It can help keep our arteries clean of bad cholesterol.
    • Keeps our liver healthy.
    • It can help in reducing our blood pressure
    • Strenghten the immune system

Besides this, there are many uses of coriander; the whole description of this would not be possible at all.

Facts on Coriander Seeds

  • Coriander seeds possess many plant-derived chemical compounds that known to have been antioxidant, disease preventing, and health promoting properties.
  • The unique aromatic flavor of coriander seeds comes from their essential volatile oils and fatty acids. Some important fatty acids in the dried seeds include petroselinic acid, linoleic acid (omega 6), oleic acid, and palmitic acid. Also, the seeds contain essential oils such as linalool (68%), a-pinene (10%), geraniol, camphene, terpene, etc. Together; these active principles are responsible for digestive, carminative, and anti-flatulent properties of the seeds.
  • As in other spices, coriander is also rich in dietary fiber. 100 g seeds provide 41.9 g of fiber, much of this is metabolically inert insoluble content. Dietary fiber increases the bulk of the food by absorbing water throughout the digestive system and thus aids in smooth bowel movements.
  • Moreover, dietary fibers bind to bile salts (produced from cholesterol) and decrease their re-absorption in the colon, thus help lower serum LDL-cholesterol levels. Together with flavonoid antioxidants, fiber composition of coriander helps protect colon mucosa from cancers.
  • Its seeds are an excellent source of minerals like iron, copper, calcium, potassium, manganese, zinc and magnesium. Copper is essential for the production of red blood cells. Iron is essential for cell metabolism and red blood cell formation. Zinc is a co-factor in many enzymes that regulate growth and development, sperm generation, digestion and nucleic acid synthesis. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids that helps controlling heart rate and blood pressure. The human body utilizes manganese as a cofactor for the important antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase.
  • Unlike other dry spice seeds that lack in vitamin-C, coriander seeds contain an ample amount of this antioxidant vitamin. 100 g of dry seeds provide 21 mg or 35% of RDI of vitamin-C.
  • Furthermore, the seeds are the storehouse of many vital B-complex vitamins like thiamin, riboflavin, and niacin.